Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Charles Lutwidge Dodgson

What other name did he use?

To come up with a pen name, Dodgson took his given name “Charles Lutwidge” and translated it to Latin: “Carolus Ludovicus”, reversed the first and last name: “Ludovicus Carolus”, and retranslated it into English: Lewis Carroll.

What are some of his published works under that name?

The Alice books are probably the best known of his publishing. His first book under his pen name was “Solitude” published in 1856. The Lewis Carroll society’s website has a long list of publications including “A Tangled Tale”, “Through the Looking Glass”, and “Rhyme? & Reason?”.

What was he known for under his real name?

He was a mathematician and lectured at Oxford England. He liked playing chess and designed many puzzle games. He spent 24 years perfecting his art of photography. He also served as Anglican deacon at Oxford.

What did he do for a living?

Lewis Carroll’s day job was teaching mathematics in college of Christ Church at Oxford University. He also published textbooks and academic papers on math and logic.

How he is specifically related to what we have studied?

Fifty eight of over two hundred items published by him were scholarly works on to mathematics and logic. He wrote nearly two dozen texts for students in arithmetic, algebra, plane geometry, trigonometry and analytical geometry. Many of his lectures and diaries were also published posthumously.
The Lewis Carroll society
Modern Mechanicx
10 Wonderful facts about Lewis Carroll
Alice In Wonderland - w/ historical commentary

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