Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Evolution of Logic in Relation to Evolution of Numeration

Study of chapter four added perspective to the mecanical routine of dissecting word problems, applying memorized formulas, carrying out the underlying aritmatic, and discovering the answer to the prblem; namely practice of mathemathics. We regularly call math the language of science. The simpleast reason may be that if we can express an idea mathematically we have a bether path to suport or deny logical validity of such idea. This makes me wonder how cloesly did the early man, perhaps subconsciously, dabbled in logic as it started to form numbers and keep records.
An older, more learned member of clan may remember that clan members equal to the number of fingers on both hands went hunting and returned with food. Another day members equal to number of fingres on one hand went hunting and returned empty handed. Fairly shortly after realizing numbers.

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